Saturday, October 14, 2006

Interviews, Submissions, Catching up

I Haven't posted in a long time, I think since the time I left for the MBA tour.

So let me start with that. I had an interview with Babson and with IESE. IESE was more of an informative interview while Babson was a full blown interview, my first interview for over 10 years, the last one being for admission for undergrad. The questions went something like this

"If you could go back and change anything you wanted about your career progress and choices, what would you do?

What do you define as success? What motivates you, what makes you happy?

Elaborate on a failure, what did you learn from it?

What industry or company do you wanna work for after graduating?

Have you had a frustrating experience working in a team where one person slacked off? How did you deal with it?"

I can't remember but there must have been more questions since the interview lasted for around 45 minutes. Mrs. Bates from the Babson adcom had also told me right in the beginning, that the last question would be what i wished that she'd ask, and that i'd have the whole interview to think about it. But of course, I could only think of that once I got back home. I think it went off well, though I can't say for sure firstly since like I mentioned, its been a long time, and secondly, don't know whether there is really any way to tell. She was agreeing with me a lot, like she understood what I was talking about, so I assumed it went off well.

IESE encouraged me to apply at the end of the interview and said that if they don't feel the candidate has a chance, they tell them straight off so that they don't waste time applying. So that was pretty good. The MBA tour itself was crowded and didn't have any information which hours and hours on the net didn't give me.

After Bangalore, I had gone to Mumbai to meet an old client to ask for a recommendation. I also went to Pune to meet Sunitha and Animesh and stay with them in their new house. I got back on Gandhi Jayanthi.

Had a couple of meetings with the bank last week and finalised everything, accepted a settlement offer they gave us and got the funds arranged for the initial deposit. For the past two weeks though, our papers have been buried in paperwork in the regional office and our files were misplaced and our branch manager had to give them duplicates, which happened only yesterday. So nothing has progressed since then, though it should be over by the end of next week, making me more or less fully unemployed.

Finally submitted my Wharton, Cornell and Harvard application after last minute debates on whether I should postpone my Harvard app to Round 2. My status has changed to "Under Review - Round 1" for Wharton and Cornell though Harvard still says only "Submitted".

Started working on my IESE and Babson applications, both their essays are somewhat different and IESE has a 200 word limit for most of their essays which seems very, very short.

Anyway, the long wait officially starts now I guess, and should know by the 19th of November if I Dont Get Through. If I get called for the interviews, then have to wait for another month or so...