Though India is progressing, I can't wait for my grandchildren's grandchildren to get the full benefit of "progress". I am going to speed it up by taking over the country, as an elected dictator. Well, I hope to get elected by a large enough margin, and several consecutive terms so it'll be practically like a dictatorship.
On to my mandate...
I believe that a government should be run like a large corporate. Except that while in a corporation's case, maximising income will be the main goal, for a government the main aim should be at the welfare of its people. So how does that make a government like a company? The government should basically learn from the way a corporation is managed, and take the best practices from it.
To start with, a company will reduce always try to reduce overheads and maximise efficiency. The government should really learn from this. For a company, a customer will not be willing to pay for inefficiencies in it, and will switch to another brand or supplier. In India I feel people evade so much tax partly because they feel (rightly so) that the government is wasting a large amount of their money. I feel that if the government is made totally efficient and transparent, and awareness is created, citizens will willingly pay taxes, and look down on those who don't. Further, once it is completely efficient, and not a penny of the taxpayers' money is wasted, the government can justify imposing severe penalties for evasion.
A company will aim at customer delight, and for a government, its citizens should be treated as the customers. I am a socialist and I believe that the government should maximise efficiency and subsequently spend the income generated on welfare, education and employment generation. However, I am not an "old school" socialist. I understand that to share the pie, we have to first bake the pie.
So as the elected leader, I will generate wealth for the country, and give equal opportunity to everyone, and as equitable a standard of living as possible, by uplifting the poor, rather than simply trying to drag down the rich.
Now on to the plan of action:
I believe as the leader of the country, I should function pretty much as the CEO of the company. A successful CEO should not just balance the budget, or project the next year's targets. He should give vision to the company, and motivate the employees and make everyone take pride in the organization.
So first, I do the MBA, get it over with and join a consulting company, to help Information Techonology and Communications companies formulate strategies, as well as help any company implement IT related strategy. Why IT? Well, I believe that nothing can speed up progress and increase efficiency in a company as good implementation of IT. In the case of the government, proper distribution and penetration of IT will not only drastically improve efficiency, it will also empower people, particularly in our largely rural setting. It will give people more direct access to the markets and the government, and keep up to date with all relevant advances.
To build a company, or a nation, I need a strong team. Networking with trusted leaders in every field and region of the country, I will build a team of energetic people who want to make a difference. After building the team, we will do an in-depth "market survey", which any manager will know is the first step in any project. After the market survey, we will prepare a business plan, with the road map for the next 20 years. I don't feel that a five year term is enough for any government to achieve any real goals. We will have to get the complete trust of the people, by explaining our plan to them, with road shows in all parts of the country, with question and answer sessions and so on. I hope that if prepared enough, we will win the first elections that we stand for, with a large enough margin to effect real policy change. The country needs a leader, not a politician.
About the blog:
I hope to incorporate all my ideas on implementing various management practices in government organizations and functioning which I come across. I will also try to write about how to learn from the current government's mistakes. Further, I aim to also collect and document my thoughts on leadership, ethics, and so on. I know I am not a management guru or anything, but believe that with focus, hard work and God's grace, I can really make a difference. Like I said, I'm on the lookout for a good dedicated team. If anyone has any advice to give, or have any ideas on how to run the country, leave a comment, or join the team.
On to my mandate...
I believe that a government should be run like a large corporate. Except that while in a corporation's case, maximising income will be the main goal, for a government the main aim should be at the welfare of its people. So how does that make a government like a company? The government should basically learn from the way a corporation is managed, and take the best practices from it.
To start with, a company will reduce always try to reduce overheads and maximise efficiency. The government should really learn from this. For a company, a customer will not be willing to pay for inefficiencies in it, and will switch to another brand or supplier. In India I feel people evade so much tax partly because they feel (rightly so) that the government is wasting a large amount of their money. I feel that if the government is made totally efficient and transparent, and awareness is created, citizens will willingly pay taxes, and look down on those who don't. Further, once it is completely efficient, and not a penny of the taxpayers' money is wasted, the government can justify imposing severe penalties for evasion.
A company will aim at customer delight, and for a government, its citizens should be treated as the customers. I am a socialist and I believe that the government should maximise efficiency and subsequently spend the income generated on welfare, education and employment generation. However, I am not an "old school" socialist. I understand that to share the pie, we have to first bake the pie.
So as the elected leader, I will generate wealth for the country, and give equal opportunity to everyone, and as equitable a standard of living as possible, by uplifting the poor, rather than simply trying to drag down the rich.
Now on to the plan of action:
I believe as the leader of the country, I should function pretty much as the CEO of the company. A successful CEO should not just balance the budget, or project the next year's targets. He should give vision to the company, and motivate the employees and make everyone take pride in the organization.
So first, I do the MBA, get it over with and join a consulting company, to help Information Techonology and Communications companies formulate strategies, as well as help any company implement IT related strategy. Why IT? Well, I believe that nothing can speed up progress and increase efficiency in a company as good implementation of IT. In the case of the government, proper distribution and penetration of IT will not only drastically improve efficiency, it will also empower people, particularly in our largely rural setting. It will give people more direct access to the markets and the government, and keep up to date with all relevant advances.
To build a company, or a nation, I need a strong team. Networking with trusted leaders in every field and region of the country, I will build a team of energetic people who want to make a difference. After building the team, we will do an in-depth "market survey", which any manager will know is the first step in any project. After the market survey, we will prepare a business plan, with the road map for the next 20 years. I don't feel that a five year term is enough for any government to achieve any real goals. We will have to get the complete trust of the people, by explaining our plan to them, with road shows in all parts of the country, with question and answer sessions and so on. I hope that if prepared enough, we will win the first elections that we stand for, with a large enough margin to effect real policy change. The country needs a leader, not a politician.
About the blog:
I hope to incorporate all my ideas on implementing various management practices in government organizations and functioning which I come across. I will also try to write about how to learn from the current government's mistakes. Further, I aim to also collect and document my thoughts on leadership, ethics, and so on. I know I am not a management guru or anything, but believe that with focus, hard work and God's grace, I can really make a difference. Like I said, I'm on the lookout for a good dedicated team. If anyone has any advice to give, or have any ideas on how to run the country, leave a comment, or join the team.
So, as you need 30 (2 MBA + 5 work Ex + 3 extra + 20 for market survey) years to take India on a path to success. You will finally have to wait for your grandchildren's grandchildren to get the full benefit of "progress".
Just Kidding :-)
dude, the 20 years is not for the market survery, 20 years is the time
that we'll be in power for.
a market survery for 20 years would be
meaningless because the market would have changed. i'm hoping for 2
years MBA, 5-7 years work ex during the last 2 years of which I will
be doing the market survey, and 20 years as the leader...
Did u write this in your goals essay? ;)
well, these are my goals... so i would have had to have written them in some form or the other
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