Saturday, November 25, 2006

Dinged or Donged

I got dinged (or is it called donged if I got dinged without an interview) by Wharton and Cornell. I guess I was initially kind of disappointed, though by the time the actual result came, I had more or less already discounted it. Anyhow, it made me finish my second round or late 1st round applications. I guess I'm counting on Babson and IESE now.

I felt better after a day or two, cause I feel that God knows me much better than I do, and that things will always work out for the best. So I might think that I know which college is best for me, but God will know better. Or whether its better in the long run if I do an MBA this year at all. This may sound defeatist but I think otherwise.

Finally sent in my ISB application today. ISB is the only place which requires your 12th standard marks and so I missed the first round while I applied for a duplicate marksheet. They're also the only place which asks that you send in paper recommendations and in fact, the entire application has to be printed and mailed in after submitting online. Contrast that to Notre Dame or Carnegie Mellon which even lets you sign the Applicant Certification and send in a scanned copy. Adding a third to the list of ISB's peculiarities, it is the only school which says that a 2nd Round applicant will have less chance since seats will fill up! Anyway, that was supposed to be my back up school but the future looks a little bleak...


asiangal said...

Donged? That's an interesting word. Best of luck to you on your other applications. =)

Anonymous said...

Agreed on the ISB thoughts...
A great way to put them across

Wishnew said...

When do you hear from CMU?